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The News Park – English, (  is a section of Popular Park Division, Peace Park Publication and Media Group, Tranquility Strategies Private Ltd., “Let’s say as it is, let’s investigate” is our prime policy. The main goal of our organization is “Creating an Innovative – Noble Culture of Peace”. It is our plan to strategize and act accordingly. Support us. Let us join together to grow each other.

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‘The News Park’ is a reader-supported publication. It is free to read and it is free from commercial backing. We need your support to keep it going and grow into a publication you will always want to read. 

If you wish to make a one-time donation of Rs 500, Rs 2500, Rs 5000, Rs 10,000 or any other amount please pay through Google Pay at Mobile No: 9487665454. If you wish to make a monthly or annual donation of Rs 500 or more, please contact [email protected]. Let us join together to grow each other.

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The articles in “The News Park” have the potential to raise awareness and enhance intellectual content for readers. We require Volunteer Extension Officers to bring these resources directly to the community. Applications from individuals interested in becoming Volunteer Extension Officers for the News Park are encouraged. Individuals who are part of the extension team will receive suitable certificates. To obtain further information, reach out to us at:  [email protected]. Let us join together to grow each other.

Our Popular Park

The Consumer Park (English) – online journal

The Consumer Park (Tamil) – online journal

The News Park (English) – online journal

The News Park (Tamil) – online journal

The News Park Mobile Application

Our Research Park

The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)

The Journal of International Institutions, Constitutional Law and Governance (JIICLG)

The Journal of Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law and Victimology (JCACLV)

The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)

The Journal of Peace Space, Sea and Air (JPSSA)

The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)

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