Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Launching today, “The News park”, English Online

The News Park – English, (  is a section of Popular Park Division, Peace Park Publication and Media Group, Peace Strategies Private Ltd., “Let’s say as it is, let’s investigate” is our prime policy. The main goal of our organization is “Let’s make Peace Culture”. It is our plan to strategize and act accordingly. One of our tasks is to create awareness among consumers for peace.

Public interest

The News Park is a news platform / social media /online journal that offers unique articles focusing on promoting a culture of peace, preventing war and conflict, general news, social awareness articles, as well as analysis and investigation.  We are working with bona fide Intention with a commitment to the public interest and democratic values.


“Let’s say as it is, let’s investigate” is our prime policy.  Neutral publication, authenticated information, informative messages, data-oriented articles, simple presentation, publication with analytics and investigation are also our policies.


Our request is “Read Our Publications and Support Us”. Our contact email ID: [email protected]  Our what’s app: 9487665454 (for message only)

Our Popular Park

The Consumer Park (English) – online journal

The Consumer Park (Tamil) – online journal

The News Park (English) – online journal

The News Park (Tamil) – online journal

Our Research Park

The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)

The Journal of International Institutions, Constitutional Law and Governance (JIICLG)

The Journal of Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law and Victimology (JCACLV)

The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)

The Journal of Peace Space, Sea and Air (JPSSA)

The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)

Be a Partner

The Consumer Park (English) is a news platform/social media focusing on consumer affairs, as well as providing general news, articles, and analysis/investigation. “Let’s say as it is, let’s investigate” is our prime policy. The main goal of our organization is “Creating an Innovative – Noble Culture of Peace”. Be a partner for us. Let us join together to grow each other.

Be Our Goodwill Ambassadors/Patrons

“The News Park (English)” plans to appoint Goodwill Ambassadors and Patrons, who support our work to strengthen the dissemination of news and awareness articles to all sections of the public. The photos of the Goodwill Ambassadors and Patrons will be published in this section for a period agreed upon by both parties. Those who are willing to dedicate themselves to this work are requested to contact us at:  [email protected]

Be Our Advertiser

Advertising income is crucial for the success of “The Consumer Park,” as it is used to raise awareness among the public. Kindly step forward to promote your products in “The Consumer Park” to help us. To obtain further information, reach out to us at:  [email protected]

Contribute as a writer

We welcome articles about consumer protection, legal awareness, politics, governance, administration, food, medicine, education, industry, agriculture, business, science, spirituality, culture, entertainment, tourism, employment, security, foreign affairs, peace, and special topics for children, women, and students. Submit your works along with a photo to the email address: [email protected]

The editorial board will publish chosen articles on this website. The writer’s name and photo will appear alongside the article, and a certificate can be provided upon request. Articles that are not chosen cannot be sent back. No remuneration will be provided for submitted articles that are chosen. The views presented in the articles will be viewed as the personal opinion of authors.

Contribute as a trainee columnist

“The Consumer Park” provides journalist/columnist training for individuals who are college students or graduates and are under 25 years old. Applications can be submitted via [email protected] or by filling out the Google form at Appropriate certificates will be awarded to individuals who collaborate with the columnist team.

Contribute as a researcher

“The Consumer Park” aims to carry out research that serves social necessities such as consumer protection, legal awareness, political studies, governance, healthcare, education, industry, agriculture, commerce, science, spirituality, culture, entertainment, tourism, employment, security, international relations, peace, etc., and offer them to the public.  Appropriate certificates will be awarded to individuals who collaborate with the research team. Those interested in joining this work can apply through [email protected]

Donate to ‘The Consumer Park’ and support independent journalism 

‘The Consumer Park’ is a reader-supported publication. It is free to read and it is free from commercial backing. We need your support to keep it going, and grow into a publication you will always want to read. 

If you wish to make a one-time donation of Rs 500, Rs 2500, Rs 5000, Rs 10,000 or any other amount please pay through google pay at Mobile No: 9487665454. If you wish to make a monthly or annual donation of Rs 500 or more, please contact at:  [email protected]. Let us join together to grow each other.

Contribute as an Extension Officer and Support independent journalism 

The articles in Consumer Park have the potential to raise awareness and enhance intellectual content for readers. We require Volunteer Extension Officers to bring these resources directly to the community. Applications from individuals interested in becoming Volunteer Extension Officers for the Consumer Park are encouraged. Individuals who are part of the extension team will receive suitable certificates. To obtain further information, reach out to us at:  [email protected]. Let us join together to grow each other

Peace Strategies

In addition to the Publication and Media Group, our company’s Promotional Activities Group, and Social Engineering Group are also working towards improving society. Every group is made up of several divisions in order to achieve the goal. Our Promotional Activities Group consists of three divisions: Development Projects, Image building and Programme Planning.

Our Knowledge Park and Community Service divisions of the Social Engineering Group are focused on helping the community by collaborating with generous individuals and institutions. Our Social Engineering Group is also working in association with  “The International Institute of Peace Strategies and Research”, “The International Institute of Space Peace and Research”, and “The International Institute of Voterology and Research”.

To know more about our service, kindly visit:


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The Red Cross, which calls for a world without war

In 1948, it was decided to celebrate May 8, the birthday of Saint Henry Dunant, who founded the Red Cross, as Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, and the world celebrates Red Cross Day on May 8 every year. Currently, the organization has also taken on the responsibility of tracing missing persons on the battlefield. All countries have agreed that the governments involved should provide the Red Cross with information about wounded and prisoners of war, and that the Red Cross should provide them with the necessary humanitarian assistance.

Introduction to “Voterology”

Dr. V Ramaraj first introduced the term “Voterology” in the above article in 1999. He brought forth the concept of “Voterology”, discussing its significance and requirements. At a gathering of voluntary organizations involved in the Indian National Voter Awareness Campaign in 2000, Dr V. Ramaraj was named the “Father of Voterology”.

Need for Minimum Support Price for agricultural food products. Food prices should be controlled. Opposite demands, but possible!

According to a United Nations statistic, about 25,000 people die of hunger every day in the world without food. The prices of essential food commodities have increased significantly since the Corona pandemic. At the same time, it can be seen from the average income of the country's individuals that the income of the people has not increased in line with the increase in prices. It is the need of the hour to control the increase in prices of essential food items to address the essential food problems of the poor and middle class.